Sallie Reed Outten

Sallie Reed Outten, daugher of John and Sarah Baker Outten, was born October 6, 1817. She married Capt. James Boyce of Concord, March 24, 1840, and they are the parents of five children:

Mandliff Boyce was born Mary 27, 1841.

Obed Baker Boyce was born September 8, 1842. He married Louise Dawson, and they have two children. Bertha married Charles Gallion, and has two children, Ward and Edna, both married. Lawrence Boyce married Jennie Estelle ______, but has no children. Obed Baker Boyce now lives at Charlestown, Md.

Annie Elizabeth Boyce, daughter of Capt. James and Sallie R., was born November 29, 1854. She married her own cousin, Ezekiel Outten. She died February 19, 1917. A sketch will be given of her under the name of her husband.

James Stokely Boyce was born May 15, 1848. He married Anna Lucas, and has four children: Ross, Harry, who married and had three children (he died suddenly in 1915, and the writer preached the funeral); Sallie, and Rebecca; all of them married. James S. died suddenly at Bush River, in 1914, and the writer preached the funeral

The youngest son of Capt. and Sallie R. was Daniel Hargis Boyce, born September 2, 1850. He married Rebecca Wiley of Red Lion. Their son, Spencer Boyce, married Mamie Jane Outten, daughter of John Francis Outten, and they have one child, Edith Outten Boyce. Their home is 504 West 23rd Street, Wilmington. Daniel R. lives at 919 Poplar St., Wilmington.

The children of Capt. James Boyce were small when their mother died, October 14, 1850. She was buried in what was known as the Outten Burying Ground, about a half mile east of Concord, on the farm that was called the Obed Baker place. Capt. Boyce lived on that farm. It was in sight of the home of James Outten. There is only one tombstone in that graveyard, and that one marks the grave of Sallie Outten Boyce, the first wife of Capt. James Boyce. The inscription on the tomb is still legible, and runs as follows: "Sarah R. Boyce, born Oct. 6, 1817, died Oct. 14, 1850, age 33 years and 8 days." The second wife of James Boyce was Sallie J. Cannon. They were married Dec. 22, 1852, and had two children: George, born in 1860, has several children - Sallie, born in 1863, married George Chambers, but has no children. They live at Clayton, Delaware.

See family page for James & Sallie (Outten) Boyce

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Written by Rev. John Perry Outten converted to Hypertext by Karen Stephens
This sketch was originally part of a lengthy sketch on Sallie Reed Outten's brother, James Outten.
Copyright © 2024. Karen Stephens. All Rights Reserved.