Capt. John Outten Real Estate Deed

A tract of land called Outtens Landing, Beginning at a post near the first boundary of Good Neighborhood, thence with the same S. 39 1/2 W. 68 poles to a pine standing on the line of North Wales, thence with the same S. 39 1/2 W. 66 poles to a post in the cripples of Nanticoke River. Thence N. 82 W. 12 poles to a cypress standing at high water mark at Wharf Lending. Thence with the several windings of Nanticoke River to a stone wharf near Outtens house. N. 53. E. 7 poles N. 5 E. 23 poles N. 57 E. 16 poles N.32 1/2 E. 26 poles N. 79 E. 12 poles to a red oak N 59 E. 8 poles, N. 74 E. 44 poles to a cherry tree, N. 47 E. - 8 . 69 1/2 E. 14 1/2 poles home to the boundary.

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Written by Rev. John Perry Outten converted to Hypertext by Karen Stephens
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