Isaac Outten, Jr.

The second son of Isaac and Sarah Waggaman Outten was Isaac Outten Jr. He was born August 30, 1776, and was married to Margaret Hall Colona on December 22, 1802. They were the parents of seven children, four daughters and three sons.

Sarah Waggamon Outten, their eldest child, was born February 10, 1804. She married Charles Dement, October 8, 1822, and they were the parents of a daughter who married a Mr. Lee. Mr. and Mrs. Lee were the parents of Miss Lutie Lee of Flemingsburg, Kentucky, from whom the writer received a letter in 1917, but it contained no information about her relatives.

The eldest son of Isaac Jr., was William Colona Outten, born October 19, 1805, but the writer has no further knowledge of him.

The second daughter of Isaac Jr. was Micha Outten, born May 16, 1807, and she married a man named Jones. The third daughter was Mary Ann Outten, born June 24, 1810, and married to a Mr. Oliver, but nothing more is known of these two sisters. The fourth daughter was Comfort Julia Outten, born March 3, 1814, and married Armated Purnell. They were the parents of a son named James Purnell, who lived at Middleboro, Kentucky.

Jacob Outten, the second son of Isaac Jr., born October 20, 1815, was a tinner by trade, and he lived at Maysville, Kentucky, where he died October 31, 1898. He never married.

Nicholas Ephraim Ridgely Outten, the youngest son of Isaac Jr., was born June 13, 1817, at Maysville, Kentucky, and he was a carpenter by trade. He married Jane Rickets October 24, 1839. She was born November 28, 1816, and died February 22, 1898. He died July 15, 1851. He was born, married, lived and died in Maysville, Kentucky, and was buried in Maysville Cemetery. They were the parents of five children.

Mary Jane Outten was born July 23, 1840. She married John H. Hutcheson February 14, 1860, and they were the parents of four sons and three daughters. Joseph Benjamin Hutcheson was born January 17, 1862, and is now dead. James Grant Hutcheson was born May 21, 1864. Ella Wood Hutcheson and Eva Woodson Hutcheson were twins, born August 29, 1866, and the first named is now dead. Ephraim Outten Hutcheson was born January 20, 1869, and their last child was Jay Hutcheson, but nothing is known of him. John H. Hutcheson, the father of these children, died January 13, 1913 and their mother, Mary Jane Outten, died February 19, 1914, at Dallas, South Dakota, and she was buried at Ashland, Nebraska.

Coburn Dewees Outten, son of Nicholas Ephraim Ridgley Outten was born March 22, 1843. He married Phebe Medmore Bell, November 16, 1869. She was born June 24, 1842, and they were the parents of two sons. Horace January Outten was born September 10, 1870, died September 16, 1910, and was buried in Maysville Cemetery. He was never married. Coburn Dewees Outten Jr. was born August 31, 1872, and is a bachelor. The father of these boys, Coburn Dewees Outten, was a carpenter by trade, and he died March 5, 1898. He lived, died, and was buried at Maysville, Kentucky. His widow Phebe Outten, then lived with her only son at 338 West 19th Street, New York City. The writer received two splendid letter from her in 1917, about all the information he has concerning the family of Isaac Outten, Jr. was given by her.

Elijah C. Philister Outten, the second son of Nicholas Ephraim Ridgley Outten, was born June 20, 1845, and died July 31, 1847. A little more than two years old.

Ephraim Elijah Outten, the third son, was born February 17, 1847, and died February 18, 1911. He married Martha Simpson Quarels on January 4, 1884. She was born March 26, 1855, and died December 31, 1909. They had no children, but adopted a little boy and named him Grady.

Hannah Rickets Outten, the second daughter of Nicholas Ephraim Ridgley Outten, was born October 31, 1851, and married Samuel Bradford Chunn, February 7, 1873. He was born in Brown County, Ohio, March 15, 1851, and died August 15, 1915. They were the parents of two sons. Thomas Reed Chunn born January 4, 1876, married Queen Miles of Orchard Knob, Chattanooga, Tennessee, January 29, 1903, and they have one son. The second son of Hannah and Samuel Chunn was Samuel Picket Chunn, born September 16, 1887. He married Alma Daugherty of Falls Creek, Pennsylvania, October 31, 1913, and they have one son. Hannah, the mother of these children was living in 1917.

Mrs. Phebe Outten in closing her last letter to the writer asked the question, "Have I boxed the compass? If so, go and do thou likewise."

It is worthy of notice that the family of Isaac Jr. was connected with the town of Maysville, Kentucky, and it is probable that he emigrated to that section early in life, as it is plainly stated that his youngest son was born there. We know that Ephraim Outten, who was a brother to Isaac Jr., and who married Sukey Leatherbury, step-daughter to John Purnell Outten, went from the Eastern Shore of Maryland to Maysville, Kentucky. They no doubt emigrated together, and probably all the Maysville Outtens descended from them.

Isaac and Margaret left a numerous progeny, but like all the other branches of the family, their descendants were mostly from their daughters, and, of course, they bear other names. It seems likely that the Outten name in the Isaac family will soon be extinct.

Margaret was born March 23, 1775, and died November 6, 1863, and Isaac Jr. died January 19, 1837.

See family page for Isaac & Margaret (Colona) Outten
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Written by Rev. John Perry Outten converted to Hypertext by Karen Stephens
Copyright © 2024. Karen Stephens. All Rights Reserved.