Last Will and Testament of Ann Outten

In the name of God, Amen. I, Ann Outten, widow, of Worcester County and Province of Maryland, being in perfect health and Sound Memory, blessed bee God, do make and Publish this, my last will and testament, this 7th day of April, 1775 as follows, to wit:

Item--I give to my son, Mathias Outten, one young hors called Chance.
Item--I give to my daughter, Sarah Outten my new black walnut desk.
Item--I give to my daughter, Leah Outten one feather-bed and furniture.
Item--I give to my son, Thomas Outten, one small corner cupboard.
Item--I give to my son, Levi Outten one Shilling Sterling.
Item--I give to my daughter, Easter Ennis one Shilling Sterling.
Item--I give to my daughter, Elizabeth Truitt, one Shilling Sterling.
Item--I give to my daughter, Molly Teadvine one Shilling Sterling.
Item--I give all my waring apparel to be equally Divided between my daughter Sarah Outten. . . . .
Item--My will is if my son, Mathias Outten should died without issue, that my hors Chance Shall fall to my son, Samuel Outten and if my son, Samuel should die without issue, I give my hors Chance to my daughter Sarah.
Item--If my daughter, Sarah Outten should die without Issue, my will is that all her part that I were to her of my Estate should be equally divided between my three daughters: Elizabeth, Nancy and Leah and the remainder of my Estate to be equally divided between my children, Namely, Samuel and Sally. I leave my son, Thomas Outten and John Townsend whole and sole executor of this my last Will and Testament. As witness my hand and Seal the day and year above written.

Ann X Outten

Signed and Sealed in the presence of Joshua Townsend. Nancy Townsend.

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Written by Rev. John Perry Outten converted to Hypertext by Karen Stephens
Copyright © 2024. Karen Stephens. All Rights Reserved.