Comments on Ann Outten wife of Thomas

Recently I heard from a descendant of Thomas and Ann Outten. He was researching the Ennis family and believes that Ann, the wife of Thomas, was the daughter of Cornelius & Ann (Bishup) Ennis. Ann Outten was specifically mentioned in her mother's will. According to this same source, Ann was born in 1726. This would have made her too young to be the mother to Thomas Outten's older children. It seems likely then that Ann was Thomas's second wife. The identy of the first wife and which children belong to which mother is still an open question. Rev. Outten had speculated that Thomas Outten's wife's name was Ann Townsend. We believe that the "Ann" came from Ann Ennis. Could his first wife have been a Townsend?

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Written by Karen Stephens
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