Abraham Outten

The subject of this sketch was the son of Isaac Outten Sr., who was born September 13, 1748, and married Sarah Waggamon, January 11, 1770.

Abraham was their eldest child and he was born June 20, 1771. He had four brothers and one sister. His sister was named Nancy. She was born August 1, 1774, and she married Elijah Conner, March 24, 1796. Isaac Jr. was born August 30, 1776, and he married Margaret H. Colony, December 22, 1802. Jacob was born March 6, 1779. Ephraim was born October 8, 1781, and he married Susanna Leatherbury, December 8, 1803. She was the stepdaughter of John Purnell Outten. And Walter was born August 4, 1786. His sister moved to Ohio, and his four brothers emigrated to Kentucky. But Abraham remained in Broad Creek Hundred, and he was on the assessment list form 1803 to 1827.

Abraham Outten was married twice. His first wife was named Sallie, but her maiden name is unknown, and they were the parents of four sons and three daughters: William their eldest son married Priscilla Smith, and they were the parents of Dr. James Newton Outten, of Hickman, Fulton Co., Kentucky. (See sketch) Obed married Elizabeth Huffington, daughter of Luke Huffington, of Concord. (See Sketch) John married Sarah Baker, daughter of Rev. Daniel Baker, by his first wife, and they were the parents of James Outten of Concord. (See sketch) And Abraham, Jr.

The daughters of Abraham and Sallie were: Betsy, who married John Spicer; this was probably John Holes Spicer, as he had a son named Outten Spicer, and one named James Spicer; Sally married John Taylor; and Nancy married Zacariah Moore, July 5, 1827.

Abraham Outten died intestate, and Sally Conway served as administrix. The funeral expenses and appraiser's fees were paid, also a few small debts, as follows: Isaac Conoway $27.38; Abraham Outten Jr., $2.17; James Ready, 80 cts; Tax collector, $1.48; Vashty Outten, $5.00; Peter Stuart 83 cts; These debts were all paid December 30, 1830, and the final settlement of the property was made April 1, 1831.

It seems probable that Abraham Outten died in 1830, when he was 59 years old. All the papers that were made out for the settlement of his property are in good condition, and are on file in the Archives of the State at Dover, Delaware.

The second wife of Abraham Outten was named Hessy, probably Esther or Hester, but in the Inventory she is called Hessey. The date of their marriage is unknown, and we do not know whether she was the mother of any of the children or not.

It is always difficult to write the story of a man who died more than a century ago, about whom nothing was ever written, and no traditions still extant. Abraham Outten seems to have been just a link in the chain between his ancestors and this descendants. The writer tried to obtain some information concerning him from Henry White Baker, George Maddux Outten, William T. Outten, and others, all of whom have long since passed away, but all they knew about him was the fact that he married a woman whose name was Sally, and that they were the parents of John Outten, who was the father of James Outten of Concord.

The identity of this Abraham Outten seems certain, because he was the only Abraham Outten of that generation, in that locality, except Abraham, the son of Obed Outten, who was a much younger man, and easily identified. The writer requests all who read this record to report to him any facts that may be known concerning Abraham Outten, which are not here recorded, and he also requests the reader to report any mistakes that may be discovered, and he promises to correct them at once.

See family page for Abraham & Sallie Outten
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Written by Rev. John Perry Outten converted to Hypertext by Karen Stephens
Copyright © 2024. Karen Stephens. All Rights Reserved.